Fall 2019: Balancing training and recovery with a new system and new tools

Obviously I have written here more about my fitness journey than any other topic. It's been a huge part of my personal growth journey, and even though it's been rocky and slow and frustrating at times, especially the past few years, it have learned so much- not just about food and exercise, but about myself, [...]

Reflections on Matthew 11:28-30

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” I crave the relief, [...]

Studying the Enneagram For Healing and Growth: Part 1

In this series, I'll be sharing my personal journey digging into this tool. Initially I'll be sharing what I discover about myself, how I have grown, and the areas I hope to see God work in going forward. Eventually, I hope to study all the types and how I personally can understand and love them [...]

Two Weeks Into My Peloton Journey

So, I mentioned in my most recent fintess update that there was a piece of the puzzle that I was saving to share later, and here it is: I got a Peloton bike!!!! I've been in love with Spinning since my very first class at the gym almost six and a half years ago, and [...]

Momming with Mental Illness: Tantrums

(not actually a tantrum, but clearly a ridiculous situation) I think most, of not all mamas deal with tantrums at some point. Kids have big feelings, and some, like my Ladybug, have ENORMOUS feelings, and it's hard for them to regulate, and for us to help them, right? It's overwhelming even under "normal" circumstances. When [...]

Momming with Mental Illness: Holidays and Traditions

So, the holidays are a time with tons of activities and lots of people time, right? Well, ideally, but I am not anywhere close to an ideal place right now, and I still want to give my family an amazing season full of memories without setting myself back. Here’s how I have been working on [...]

It’s like this right now

I have probably mentioned that I use the Calm app for mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing, and help falling asleep. There is a feature called the Daily Calm, which is a 10-15 minute meditation that is new each day, and, oh my stars, y’all, today’s was perfect. Last night I was talking with E about how [...]

Fall Health Goals Week Four

Here I am, halfway through the week again, and just now recapping things.  MomLife- Whaddya gonna do? I don't think I even promoted my last post on my SM accounts. It was a good week, though, and I'm super excited about where I am finding myself and where I see myself going in the near [...]

The strange dichotomy of personality and illness.

I started this last Friday, and I’m finishing on Monday, and it’ll be a slightly different post than I planned..because God is amazing with how He chooses to make His presence known. I’m so lonely. I miss my family, every single one of them. I miss my mama’s hugs, the way she loves my babies. [...]

Fall Health Goals Week 2

What a week! I am so glad I’ve made these changes! It’s still fairly early days to know all the benefits and effects, but I am so excited to share with you what I’m experiencing so far. First, I want to share about the aesthetic stuff that I am officially not focused on right now, [...]