Wellness Wednesday 1/29/20

I’m tired of starting these posts remarking how it has been awhile. hopefully I won’t have to anymore, because things are different now, but... let’s just get to it, hmm? I have been working through a lot of deep thoughts about my wellness, my WHY (which I have written a lot about, over the years, [...]

Wellness Wednesday, 10.2.19

Hi! Welcome to Wellness Wednesday, where I’m going to endeavor to, on the same day each week, update you on where I am with my physical and mental wellness, covering food, rest, exercise, and self care practices and how they are (or aren’t) serving me and my goals. I’m going to also keep it pretty [...]

Fall 2019: Balancing training and recovery with a new system and new tools

Obviously I have written here more about my fitness journey than any other topic. It's been a huge part of my personal growth journey, and even though it's been rocky and slow and frustrating at times, especially the past few years, it have learned so much- not just about food and exercise, but about myself, [...]

Fall 2019: A New Season

Hey. Y'all! So much has changed in the past few months, and, hopefully I'll get to share a lot of it with you as we enter this new season together. It's necessitated me kinda laying low for a bit, figuring out how to replenish, recover, feed my body and soul better, and move forward in [...]

Wellness Update 4.3.19

Hey Ya'll! I promise this won't be a novel like last week! Haha! But, seriously- I have had a very interesting week learning to adjust to this new routine, and every day I learn a little bit more about myself, about letting go, about how strong I already am, and about little by little progress. [...]

The Spiritual Implications of Changing My Workout Routine

Welcome to a stream of consciousness post where I process and share at the same time. So, that title is kinda tongue in cheek, but also kinda not. It's clearly no secret that i have really struggled to reach my fitness/ fat loss goals the past four years since my sweet Baby Duck was born, [...]

Super Bowl Food and what comes after

Last Night was the Super Bowl, and MY BOYS WON!!! That was awesome and feels really good, but y'know what doesn't feel good? My body. Some of this is hormonal, some is from the fact that sleep was wrecked all weekend (again...so frustrating, but we are determined to re-train ourselves!), and some is from the [...]

Wellness Update 2/2/19

Heeeeeey Y'all! Not a whole ton has changed in the past week, but I've done some good thinking and sorting out in my head and heart. I've had some high highs and low lows with my mental health, and that has taken up more of my energy than I'd like, but that's just life right [...]

Studying the Enneagram For Healing and Growth: Part 1

In this series, I'll be sharing my personal journey digging into this tool. Initially I'll be sharing what I discover about myself, how I have grown, and the areas I hope to see God work in going forward. Eventually, I hope to study all the types and how I personally can understand and love them [...]

Bluebirds, Buttermilk Biscuits, Bubble Butts, and Recovery Days

This week has been...unexpectedly impactful so far, and it's not even halfway over. First, I'm pretty sure a pair of bluebirds is nesting in my birdhouse, or will soon. I've seen them at least a few times a day the past few days-yesterday they stayed for over an hour around lunchtime, and almost as long [...]